Tour USA Bethel

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Lunch at Bethel

If publishers visiting bethel headquarters choose to take lunch at any of the bethel locations, please, make personal arrangement. You may do this by contacting a bethelite you know or someone in your congregation may be of help


Wallkill Printery

If you are able to book lunch, please, do so for Wallkill printery since it is always the first place we tour. The bethelite you contacted may make lunch reservations for you at Wallkill even if s/he works at the other complexes in Brooklyn or Patterson. 

We make effort to provide you a host or will request the help of the brothers at Wallkill reception to help you with a host.


Warwick World headquarters

It will be very difficult to secure lunch reservations at Warwick, the venue is smaller and so is the dining room, it is practically book already for most of 2017. They do have a room where one can go into and sit down to eat a lunch which one may have brought along for the tour. There is no local place nearby which we could suggest, there are suitable places but at a distance from the complex.


Patterson Educational Centre

If you have friends at Patterson that you want to spend the lunch hour with, please, see them after the tour in Patterson and enjoy your upbuilding association with them.


Lunch at Eateries around Wallkill and Patterson

If you are not able to book lunch at bethel and we are not able to get in for lunch at any of the facilities, we will take the group to any of the buffet restaurants you decide after we have suggested what we feel is good and economical. 



There is a stopover at a refectory for breakfast on the way to the bethel facilities. 

Costs of lunch or breakfast is not included in tour prices in our online booking